Alerta de Tsunami en Hawaii
Redacción IM Noticias, 28/10/2012

Alerta de Tsunami en Hawaii
Hawaii E.U.A.
Un terremoto de 7,7 grados de magnitud en la escala de Richter se ha producido a las 03:04 GMT en la costa oeste de Canadá, según el Servicio de Vigilancia Geológica de los Estados Unidos (USGS).

El epicentro del temblor fue localizado 139 kilómetros al sur de la ciudad de Masset, en la isla Graham (Columbia Británica), y su hipocentro, a 17,5 kilómetros de profundidad.

Al movimiento inicial le han sucedido cuatro réplicas de magnitudes comprendidas entre los 4,5 y los 4,8 grados en un plazo de dos horas y media.

Aunque el Centro de Alertas de Tsunami de la costa Oeste de Alaska ha emitido un aviso regional para las costas próximas al centro del temblor, anuncia que no espera complicaciones posteriores.

Se espera la llegada de las primeras olas a Hawaii a las 10.38 p.m. tiempo local

Algunas actualizaciones de CNN:

[Update 2:16 a.m.] CNN's Augie Martin who is in Big Island just sent this e-mail: "We are currently in Hawaii and tsunami sirens are now blaring, FYI."

[Update 2:09 a.m.] Hawaii can expect waves between 3 and 7 feet, said Gerard Fryer, senior geophysicist at the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center. "We are recommending coastal evacuation," he said.

[Update 2:02 a.m.] The National Weather Service now says that a tsunami ADVISORY has been expanded to include northern California and southern Oregon. Bear in mind, this is an advisory, NOT a warning. An advisory means a tsunami capable of producing strong currents or waves dangerous to people near the water is expected.

[Update 1:45 a.m.] Here's a recap: A large quake has hit off the coast of Canada. We have just received news that a tsunami warning has been issued as far as Hawaii. If you know you're in an evacuation zone in Hawaii, you need to pack up and move out.
In a little less than three hours, about 10:38 Hawaii time, the first waves will hit Hawaii.
What areas of Hawaii? The towns of Kahului and Hilo are likely to see a succession of waves. The shorelines will be dangerous for a couple of hours. "Basically this tsunami is pointed right at us," said Gerard Fryer, senior geophysicist at the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center.